SICBMA AGM and seminar -FCBM

  • This program went on very well along with FCBM 3rd MC that was held on July 06 & 07, 2024 at the same venue.
    Technical Seminar by SICBMA
    On the occasion of its 50 th AGM on 06 th July 2024 at Hyatt Regency, Mount Road, Chennai, SICBMA had organised the following four Technical Seminars/Training Sessions.
    GST PLUS (Know more about GST and how to manage statutory compliance)
    by Sri. R. Srivatsan, IRS - Nati onal Academy of Customs Indirect Taxes and Narcoti cs
    BE WELL (Nutriti on for Success)
    by Dear Dr. Preeti Raj, Co-Founder, CEO – Wootu Nutriti on
    MOTIVATIONAL SPEECH (Benefits of Good Relati onships)
    by Sri. Lena Tamilvanan - renowned Tamil language author and publisher
    Govt. initi ati ves Towards Lean Culture
    by Sri. S. Gopalakrishnan, IAS,
    Director General - Nati onal Producti vity Council of India
    During this session a MOU was signed by FCBM and Sri. S. Gopalakrishnan, IAS,
    Director General - Nati onal Producti vity Council of India
    Enthusiasti c SICBMA members parti cipated with zeal and were eager to learn more.
    Also, SICBMA members felt that these type training/personality development programs
    would keep them up-to-date with the current trends.
    SICBMA 50th AGM
    SICBMA’s 50th AGM was held on 06th July 2024 Evening under the guidance of AGM Committ ee Chairman Sri. K. Gopalan, Co-Chairman Sri K. Krishna Reddy, Adviser – Sri. A.P. Anburaj
    On this occasion it was a real honor to host the FCBM delegates on the stage.
    Welcome address was given by SICBMA President Sri. S. Ramesh.
    Secretary Sri. R. Babu presented the secretary's report.
    The Annual Accounts for 2023-23 was submitt ed and accepted by the house.
    The lifeti me achievement was conferred on the following members for their valuable contributi on to the corrugati on industry.
    1) Sri. S. Balavassudenan, M/s Latha Industries, Chennai
    2) Sri. K. Krishna Reddy, M/s YesKay Packaging, Chennai
    3) Sri. Sri. N. Boopathy, Advance Packages, Tirupatt ur
    The following New office bearers were elected for 2024-25.
    Smt. Prabha Manjunath – President
    Sri. T.G.R. Babu – Vice President -1
    Sri. S.M. Baskar - Vice President -2
    Sri. R. Sudheer Raj – Secretary
    Sri. V.K. Devadoss – Treasurer
    With a vote of thanks the meeti ng ended.
    We sincerely thank FCBM for allowing a grant of Rs. 100,000/- towards conducti ng Technical Program to our members on 06 th July 2024.
    FCBM 3 rd MC was held at the same venue on two days 6 th & 7 th July 2024. With the gracious presence of FCBM delegates and FCBM-MC members in the well orgainsed environment, the program went on very well and it was a great success.

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