Regional Associations

In 1972 when FCBM, the national level body was founded, the corrugated packaging industry was still unorganized with a large number of small units scattered across the country. Pioneering efforts by some leading corrugators in their respective regions resulted in the formation of regional associations of corrugated box manufacturers which provided much needed collective strength and synergy.

The success of the national body, gave momentum to other regions to form their own regional associations under the aegis of the national body. As a result within a few years time the present structure with regional associations representing the local areas and federated under a national body, evolved. The regional chapters today cover the length and breadth of India, and have over the years derived strength from their collective union and simultaneously given it strength.

FCBM as the national body, took up the role of representing the Industry to the Central Government and also became a common ground for interaction of the various constituents of the Federation while the regional associations have their own agenda. This two tier structure has not diluted the role of the regional associations but in fact strengthened them by allowing them to focus on regional issues with the confidence that their national level interests were taken care of.

Activities of the Regional Bodies

The Regional Associations perform the following functions in their respective areas:

  1. Training and education programmes to ensure improvement and up-gradation in technical skills.
  2. Setting up testing laboratories equipped with sophisticated equipments, which aim to increase standardization across the industry and thus improve quality.
  3. Organize packaging exhibitions, which are ideal platforms for display and demonstration of designs and technology in the industry.
  4. Maintaining information on the corrugated packaging industry in their region.
  5. Providing growth and feedback opportunities by organizing buyer-seller meets.
  6. Participating in National and International conferences, exhibitions, seminars through FCBM and benefiting from the mutual exchange of views and information on the latest trends in corrugation technology.
  7. Maintaining close interaction with Kraft paper mills and machinery manufacturers, and others to upgrade the technology.
  8. Complementing FCBM in running various cells concerning R&D, market development, encroachment etc.
  9. Providing services like software development, information on the international packaging calendar, new happenings in India and abroad, etc.

President & Secretary Details of 13 Associations:

  Name Designation Association Company Name         Mobile Email Id
1 Sagar Gala President ACCT   9849128400, 9346784085
2 Ram Raj Verma Hon. Secretary ACCT   9849279669
3 Achyut Chandra President EICMA   9830057060
4 Samir Mehta Hon. Secretary EICMA   9331085809
5 Prahladbhai Patel President GCBMA   9825036650, 8238075110,
6 Dipak J Patel Hon. Secretary GCBMA   9979898400
7 Aditya Pal Sood President HPCBMA   7018954202
8 Vishal Goel General Secretary HPCBMA   9218684841
9 Amit Parasrampuria President KCBMA   9845452880
10 Lakshminarayanan R Hon.General Secretary KCBMA   9035789222
11 G. Rajeeve President KECBMA   9446546067
12 Sathyan Malayath Secretary KECBMA   9539307307,
13 Swadesh Sharma President MPCBMA   9926905890,
14 Romil Saboo Hon. Secretary MPBMA
15 Harish Jairath President NICMA   9818798566, 9811470029,
16 Rohit Sareen Hon. Secretary NICMA   9312434746
17 Raj Kumar Garg President PCBMA   9815335505, 9814052015
18 Kapil Jain General Secretary PCBMA   9872012545, 9878012545,
19 Hemendra Agarwal President RCBMA   9414066965
20 Rahul Dewan Hon. Secretary RCBMA   9829854543
21 S. Ramesh President SICBMA   9444058133
22 R. Babu Secretary SICBMA   9840898222, 7667860003
23 S.K. Chauhan President UPCBMA   9212322146
24 Ram Jivan Singh General Secretary UPCBMA   9810146673
25 Anil Loya President WICMA   9326200899
26 Shlok Kedia Hon. Secretary WICMA   9322297273

Click on the logos of Regional Associations, to view their contact details

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