
  • Act as a spokesperson of the industry and effectively represent issues to concerned authorities
  • To work for the betterment and growth of the industry
  • Encourage and initiate Research & Development in corrugated packaging and related areas
  • Organise Conference and Seminars
  • Participate and Support Industry exhibition in India and abroad
  • Support the growth of Regional Associations
  • Work for a healthy fraternal feeling among members
  • Establish FCBM Standards and Publish Technical Booklet
  • Publish Quarterly Magazine.

Besides acting as a spokesperson for the industry, the Federation organizes seminars, annual conferences and other meets and brings out a quarterly magazine – “The Corrugator”, which has attained immense popularity as a vehicle of information on corrugated packaging.

In order to instill a feeling of healthy competition and to encourage innovation the Federation has instituted ‘Corrustar’ Awards, which are presented annually for excellence in corrugated packaging in India.

Some of these packages have gained international recognition by winning the Asiastar and Worldstar Awards.

The Federation has brought out several books on practical Standards, Test Methods and Technical Booklets for the benefit of both manufacturers and users of corrugated boxes.

The Federation and its Regional Associations have been conducting Training and Education programmes at various centres, in order to ensure that technically qualified personnel are available for the industry and to keep them abreast with the latest developments.

Testing laboratories, equipped with sophisticated equipments, have been set up at regional centres to assist both the manufacturers and consumers of corrugated boxes in developing packaging of standard quality.

The Regional Associations of the Federation also organize on regular basis, packaging exhibitions, which provide a platform for display and demonstration of latest developments in the field.

The Federation conduct ‘Survey of the Industry’, every year, to prepare a data base which will serve as a guideline for the direction the industry needs to take for future growth. Computer programmes and software packages have been developed by the Federation for the benefit of the members.

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